+972-3-5467246 info@raz-ram.org
The Southern Israel Seeds of Creation

The Southern Israel Seeds of Creation

daromtag“Making a Media Connection in the South”- The goals of this project are to encourage personal creativity in the arts and the traditional ways, among the youth of this region, and to develop an artistic dialogue between youth and artists from different backgrounds. Against the backdrop of a complex social mosaic that includes cities like Beer Sheva, Beduin towns like Rahat, kibbutzim and development towns, the aim is to use art projects to bring youth from these diverse social groups closer together, that will be perpetuated through the media.

The project uses individual creative expression among youth who have experienced loss or alienation, using the different fields of art, and group activities whose focus are in the area of communications, while recognizing the possibilities of using the different types of media as tools for artistic expression and documentation of memory. (Aviv – this sentence is so not clear ) During the project, the participants will gain expertise and experience in different areas of the arts, and with the guidance of senior artists, will choose the area in which they will specialize. In parallel, the participants will be exposed to the different areas of media, including radio, television and film by professional in these fields, and will acquire technical media experience, according to the decisions of the group. The activity will conclude with the production, in one of the media fields, of the group’s creations.

Kiryat-Gat Seeds of Creation

Kiryat-Gat Seeds of Creation

kiryatgattag “The Gat Way”- In response to a request from Kiryat-Gat municipal officials, the Foundation decided to initiate an activity which would integrate children and youth from different backgrounds – “Sabras”, Russian new immigrants, and Ethiopian new immigrants – through creative projects. The multi-cultural atmosphere, which is so dominant in the city and is sometimes at the root of different kinds of tensions, is being channeled into a more productive outlet, which is intended to improve the appearance of the city and make an interesting, artistic contribution to the community. In building this Seeds of Creation activity, creative teams are being put together which will include an artist and a child or a number of children from different backgrounds, that will provide the framework for personal and group art instruction. The art works that are created – in all areas of the visual arts – will be displayed in the city at the end of the year, as part of the “Gat Way” program of introducing art into the city.

kiryatgat1“Drawers of the Heart”
As part of the “Gat Way” project, participants collected different objects (pictures, objects from the home, old toys, memorabilia from their families, etc.) for the “drawers of their hearts”. Using these objects, they glued, painted and assembled their creations under the guidance of artists from the field of the plastic arts. The process of collecting and assembling the objects raised memories related to the collected objects, which were also expressed in writing and drama projects intended to open those “drawers of the heart”.

The Jerusalem Seed of Creation

The Jerusalem Seed of Creation

 jerusalemtag“Sunshine on Givon”- The School of Arts and Sciences is a very special high school which promotes excellence in the fields of science and the arts, together with service to the community.
Raz-Ram Foundation, together with Yael Shpringer, the Community Services Coordinator for the school, created a sophisticated model for activity in which a group of 15 of the school’s students mentor a group of children from the economically disadvantaged Givon Hahadash community, which is situated at the entrance to Jerusalem. In the framework of this project, the children of Givon Hahadash participate in educational and hands-on projects related to the plastic arts. Tamar, one of the Foundation’s artists, trains the entire group, which comprises the most senior youth from the School of Arts and Sciences, as well as the children from Givon, and together, they create a tapestry of learning and creation that is truly unique. As part of the project, the group designed a common memorial room where each pair – one high school student and one student from Givon – drew an imaginary environment which expressed his dreams. The room will contain all of the dreams, ambitions and fears that the children expressed in their drawings, and together, they will create a room dedicated for introspection, meditation, for the residents of, and visitors of the school.

Meah Shearim
shoafat1Bat Zion is a school for girls of the Stolin-Carlin Hassidic community, located in Jerusalem’s Mea Shearim neighborhood. The school functions as a boarding school for about 100 new immigrant girls from the former Soviet Union, who arrived as orphans or children of single parents. These new immigrant children are not educated as the other girls of the community, and as such they receive courses in science and technological subjects, as is standard in the government educational system. The school administration applied to the Raz-Ram Foundation to provide an arts program for these students.

In the framework of an annual project, The Foundation sponsored a joint project between the girls from the boarding school and girls of a similar age from the Arab village of Shoefat. Two art counselors, a graduate from the Design Department at Bezalel, and a Social Work student from Hebrew University, worked together on this project, which integrated drawing and writing. The works that the girls created reflected their personal distress related to the recent bloody events in the area.

Toy Car Competition

Toy Car Competition

ram in Memory of Ram Rothenberg

1. The Raz-Ram Foundation, together with the Rothenberg Family, has created a toy car design competition in memory of Ram Rothenberg (z”l), to commemorate him through artistic activities operated by the Raz Ram Foundation around the country.
The competition is supported by the Ministry of Transportation, with cooperation from all of the academic art institutions in the country, and is intended to be an annual event (hereafter, “the competition”).

2. Each year the competition committee will address a particular sector of artists and designers who are associated with the area of that year’s competition, and will define an age group and population related to that year’s competition, and invite them to submit their entries to the competition.

3. The competition’s committee of judges will include representatives of the Raz Ram Foundation, a representative of the Rothenberg family, and professionals in the arts who will be chosen to participate in the committee each year.

4. Timetable:
Contestants will fill out registration forms for the competition starting in November.
From the deadline for submitting the registration forms through the submission of a model/final design, the progress of the contestant’s work will be monitored, and he or she will be asked to update the committee on their progress.
The deadline for submission of the final entry is in July.
The final exhibition and prize awarding ceremony will take place during October.

5. The contestants will sign a release form assigning all design rights of their submission to the contest.

6. Three submissions will be awarded prizes:
Total amount of prizes- of 12,000 NIS.

7. The competition will culminate in an exhibition where all of the competing models will be displayed, and an official awards ceremony.

The Nes-Tziona “Seed of Creation”

The Nes-Tziona Seed of Creation

The Nes-Tziona Seed of Creation

nes-zionatagModel Car Design Competition in Memory of Ram Rothenberg- Background
The Raz-Ram Fund, in cooperation with the Rothenberg family, has established an annual design competition for model cars in memory of Ram Rothenberg.
Ram Rothenberg (z”l), who for his entire life had a special love for automobiles, also collected toy cars of every color, type and size. Together with his family, the Raz- Ram Foundation decided to initiate an annual competition dedicated to “transportation and movement”, where each year the contest will address the subject through a different artistic interpretation. The contest is the basis of Raz-Ram Foundation’s Nes-Tziona Seeds of Creation. For this first year, we decided to dedicate the competition to professional design, and thus we approached design students with the challenge to design toy cars. Academic design schools all over the country were contacted by direct mail and the competition was also advertised on internet sites for professional designers. The response was overwhelming. We were contacted by students of design (fashion, materials design, etc.), architecture, and even graduates in these fields. We were even contacted by design students from outside the country. To date, we have received 46 submissions for the contest to design a toy car. The contest committee is in contact with each of the contestants to follow their progress. At this point, the contestants are hard at work preparing models which will be submitted to the Foundation’s competition committee by July 2003. There were no restrictions in terms of size, style or materials, out of the belief that each individual interprets the idea of “model car” in a different way. Naturally, we are awaiting a fascinating and highly varied selection of entries. On October 22, Ram’s birthday, the contest exhibition opening will take place, with an awards ceremony, under the sponsorship of the Minister of Transportation, Mr. Avigdor Lieberman, and the Mayor of Nes-Tziona, Mr. Yossi Shebo. The catalog which will be prepared for the event will include photographs of the submitted toy car models, as well as an introduction by the Minister of Transportation and information on the meaning behind the project, which combines a commemorative event with educational content, and safety and responsibility on the roads. Creation of a new type of movement.

The car design regulations
Links about the Car Design Competition

The Rehovot Seed of Creation

The Rehovot Seed of Creation

rehovot1David’s Harp
The “Children of King David” is a children’s chorus made up of young new immigrants from Russia. Most of them from single parent families who immigrated during the last few years and are struggling with the economic and social complexities of adjusting to their new home. The Raz-Ram Foundation has integrated the chorus, with musical arrangement by Irna Kogan, into the series of musical events it has held during the last two years, including a performance the Foundation sponsored at the Enav Center for the Arts in Tel Aviv.
The Foundation is currently assisting the chorus in preparing a musical on the subject of coexistence, and is supporting them in their multi-lingual musical efforts, which also include Yiddish and Ladino.

“Dear Darkness” Children of King David (MP3)