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nes-zionatagModel Car Design Competition in Memory of Ram Rothenberg- Background
The Raz-Ram Fund, in cooperation with the Rothenberg family, has established an annual design competition for model cars in memory of Ram Rothenberg.
Ram Rothenberg (z”l), who for his entire life had a special love for automobiles, also collected toy cars of every color, type and size. Together with his family, the Raz- Ram Foundation decided to initiate an annual competition dedicated to “transportation and movement”, where each year the contest will address the subject through a different artistic interpretation. The contest is the basis of Raz-Ram Foundation’s Nes-Tziona Seeds of Creation. For this first year, we decided to dedicate the competition to professional design, and thus we approached design students with the challenge to design toy cars. Academic design schools all over the country were contacted by direct mail and the competition was also advertised on internet sites for professional designers. The response was overwhelming. We were contacted by students of design (fashion, materials design, etc.), architecture, and even graduates in these fields. We were even contacted by design students from outside the country. To date, we have received 46 submissions for the contest to design a toy car. The contest committee is in contact with each of the contestants to follow their progress. At this point, the contestants are hard at work preparing models which will be submitted to the Foundation’s competition committee by July 2003. There were no restrictions in terms of size, style or materials, out of the belief that each individual interprets the idea of “model car” in a different way. Naturally, we are awaiting a fascinating and highly varied selection of entries. On October 22, Ram’s birthday, the contest exhibition opening will take place, with an awards ceremony, under the sponsorship of the Minister of Transportation, Mr. Avigdor Lieberman, and the Mayor of Nes-Tziona, Mr. Yossi Shebo. The catalog which will be prepared for the event will include photographs of the submitted toy car models, as well as an introduction by the Minister of Transportation and information on the meaning behind the project, which combines a commemorative event with educational content, and safety and responsibility on the roads. Creation of a new type of movement.

The car design regulations
Links about the Car Design Competition