+972-3-5467246 info@raz-ram.org

mrar “Tree of Life” Project- Background
The village of Maghar is situated on the slopes of Mount Hazon in the Galilee, and has a mixed population of Druze, Christians and Muslims. In cooperation with the department for women’s services at the local Community Centers, the Raz-Ram Fund has created a special artistic project for widowed women and their children. Within the context of this project, the widowed women are able, for the first time, to meet with other women who share their experience of loss, in a supportive, artistic and creative environment. It also provides their children with an excellent opportunity to examine and process their feelings of loss through a creative artistic process, together, and with the Raz-Ram staff.

To the children artworks

As part of the project, the participants identify a special tree that has traditional or historical significance within the village. Working with clay, they create their own wind chimes. The finished wind chimes are then strung among the branches of this Tree of Life, transforming it into a site that connects art and memory, life and death, pain and hope, quiet and music.
